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Item # 21001002 4 Photos

New Dwyer 2000-25MM Differential pressure gage 0-25 mm (Industrial Surplus NOS)

Product photo #100_1125 of SKU 21001002 (New Dwyer 2000-25MM Differential pressure gage 0-25 mm (Industrial Surplus NOS))Product photo #100_1126 of SKU 21001002 (New Dwyer 2000-25MM Differential pressure gage 0-25 mm (Industrial Surplus NOS))Product photo #100_1127 of SKU 21001002 (New Dwyer 2000-25MM Differential pressure gage 0-25 mm (Industrial Surplus NOS))Product photo #100_1128 of SKU 21001002 (New Dwyer 2000-25MM Differential pressure gage 0-25 mm (Industrial Surplus NOS))