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“Basket Case” Little Girl 1920s Armor Bronze Antique Bookends

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$200.00 USD $250

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Description -- Item # 21001245

Simply adorable and sweet as can be, “Basket Case” (a little girl in a dress carrying a basket), made circa 1925 by the Armor Bronze Co, a pair of vintage electroformed bronze-clad figural book ends, polychrome paint. No. 565 in Kuritzky and De Costa.

SPECS: Each measures about 7.6" tall, base of 3.0" by 2.7". The pair weigh in at 5 lbs 4 oz. Although you probably would not notice it while she was on your bookshelf, one of the pair has some damage: She is missing an approx 18 x 8 mm piece of the bronze-clad on the draped-knot at the back of her scarf. They still display very nicely.

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