“Woman Spinning Yarn” 1920s Armor Bronze Antique Bookends

$360.00 USD $450
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So rare. “Woman Spinning Yarn” made circa 1925 by the Armor Bronze Company, a pair of vintage electroformed bronze-clad figural book ends, with original polychrome paint (red or magenta, blue or cyan, white). Each features a woman sitting while hand spinning yarn, a distaff under her left arm while she collects the yarn on a drop spindle at her right hand, two finished hanks of yarn sit in a basket. The woman is attired in folk-country garb of dress and apron, with a scarf tied bonnet-fashion on her head. Rare, not even listed in Kuritzky and De Costa.
SPECS: Each measures about 5.75" tall by 5.8" wide by 2.75" deep, the pair weighs in at 4 lbs 9 oz. Label on the bottom of each: "Armor Bronze Co, Taunton Mass." The wire (representing yarn) that runs between her hands in missing on one of the pair. No breaks or tears in the bronze cladding.